An example of a date picker component built with v-calendar.
This example is a composition of a Popover and v-calendar. We also use date-fns to format dates.
Note that you can use any calendar library you want.
Let's start by installing the v-calendar
and date-fns
pnpm add v-calendar@next date-fns
You can create a DatePicker.vue
component based on the DatePicker
from v-calendar
The following example is styled based on the primary
and gray
colors and supports the dark
mode. It also supports a v-model
or v-model.range
depending on the type of date you want to use.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { DatePicker as VCalendarDatePicker } from 'v-calendar'
import type { DatePickerDate, DatePickerRangeObject } from 'v-calendar/dist/types/src/use/datePicker'
import 'v-calendar/dist/style.css'
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
type: [Date, Object] as PropType<DatePickerDate | DatePickerRangeObject | null>,
default: null
const emit = defineEmits(['update:model-value', 'close'])
const date = computed({
get: () => props.modelValue,
set: (value) => {
emit('update:model-value', value)
const attrs = {
transparent: true,
borderless: true,
color: 'primary',
'is-dark': { selector: 'html', darkClass: 'dark' },
'first-day-of-week': 2,
<VCalendarDatePicker v-if="date && (typeof date === 'object')" v-model.range="date" :columns="2" v-bind="{ ...attrs, ...$attrs }" />
<VCalendarDatePicker v-else v-model="date" v-bind="{ ...attrs, ...$attrs }" />
:root {
--vc-gray-50: rgb(var(--color-gray-50));
--vc-gray-100: rgb(var(--color-gray-100));
--vc-gray-200: rgb(var(--color-gray-200));
--vc-gray-300: rgb(var(--color-gray-300));
--vc-gray-400: rgb(var(--color-gray-400));
--vc-gray-500: rgb(var(--color-gray-500));
--vc-gray-600: rgb(var(--color-gray-600));
--vc-gray-700: rgb(var(--color-gray-700));
--vc-gray-800: rgb(var(--color-gray-800));
--vc-gray-900: rgb(var(--color-gray-900));
.vc-primary {
--vc-accent-50: rgb(var(--color-primary-50));
--vc-accent-100: rgb(var(--color-primary-100));
--vc-accent-200: rgb(var(--color-primary-200));
--vc-accent-300: rgb(var(--color-primary-300));
--vc-accent-400: rgb(var(--color-primary-400));
--vc-accent-500: rgb(var(--color-primary-500));
--vc-accent-600: rgb(var(--color-primary-600));
--vc-accent-700: rgb(var(--color-primary-700));
--vc-accent-800: rgb(var(--color-primary-800));
--vc-accent-900: rgb(var(--color-primary-900));
<script setup lang="ts">
import { format } from 'date-fns'
const date = ref(new Date())
<UPopover :popper="{ placement: 'bottom-start' }">
<UButton icon="i-heroicons-calendar-days-20-solid" :label="format(date, 'd MMM, yyy')" />
<template #panel="{ close }">
<DatePicker v-model="date" is-required @close="close" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { sub, format, isSameDay, type Duration } from 'date-fns'
const ranges = [
{ label: 'Last 7 days', duration: { days: 7 } },
{ label: 'Last 14 days', duration: { days: 14 } },
{ label: 'Last 30 days', duration: { days: 30 } },
{ label: 'Last 3 months', duration: { months: 3 } },
{ label: 'Last 6 months', duration: { months: 6 } },
{ label: 'Last year', duration: { years: 1 } }
const selected = ref({ start: sub(new Date(), { days: 14 }), end: new Date() })
function isRangeSelected (duration: Duration) {
return isSameDay(selected.value.start, sub(new Date(), duration)) && isSameDay(selected.value.end, new Date())
function selectRange (duration: Duration) {
selected.value = { start: sub(new Date(), duration), end: new Date() }
<UPopover :popper="{ placement: 'bottom-start' }">
<UButton icon="i-heroicons-calendar-days-20-solid">
{{ format(selected.start, 'd MMM, yyy') }} - {{ format(selected.end, 'd MMM, yyy') }}
<template #panel="{ close }">
<div class="flex items-center divide-x divide-gray-200 dark:divide-gray-800">
<div class="flex flex-col py-4">
v-for="(range, index) in ranges"
class="rounded-none px-6"
:class="[isRangeSelected(range.duration) ? 'bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800' : 'hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-gray-800/50']"
<DatePicker v-model="selected" @close="close" />